Varied repertoire
In recent years, this has included Songs from the Shows, Vivaldi Gloria with full orchestra, A Night at the Moulin Rouge and Hot Summer Swing with the 17 piece Milestone Big Band.
Our year starts in September when we work towards our annual Remembrance Day concert featuring stirring and inspirational music for the occasion. This is followed by intense rehearsal for our Carol Party, a much anticipated show and always sells out. The performance is followed by festive food and mulled wine.
January marks the start of the preparation for the Leith Hill Music Festival in April which involves inter choir competition and then a combined concert with full orchestra and soloists in Dorking Halls. The music is invariably major works (Verdi, Handel, Vaughan Williams, for example) stipulated by the Festival Musical Director plus three pieces chosen by the choir.
The year ends with a summer concert which is always unusual, creative and importantly, good fun. In recent years, this has included Songs from the Shows, Vivaldi Gloria with full orchestra, A Night at the Moulin Rouge and a programme called Lets Party! We are often asked to perform at events and recently enjoyed an unforgettable singing tour in Tuscany to celebrate the twinning of Dorking with Sinalunga, Italy.
Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings 8.00 – 10.00pm, with a refreshment break, in Mickleham Village Hall from early September through to the end of June.
There are additional weekend combined choirs half day rehearsals for those singing in the Leith Hill Music Festival.
See MCS in action
Jabberwocky – LMHF award winner
Prende la Vela – LHMF award winner
Carol singing, Trafalgar Square
Something told the Wild Geese (Lockdown project)

Rehearsals are never boring

Rehearsal before a show