Join Our Choir
‘We welcome new members’
New members are always welcome. There is no audition and no requirement to read music and we have an unusually diverse range of age groups. What we do ask is to come with a love of singing and the desire to learn. Come along to a rehearsal one evening and sing with us or contact via the link above.
Current subscriptions
Annual Sept-June – £135
Single concerts/terms
Autumn Term – £81
Carol Party only (Nov/Dec) – £33.75
Spring Term – £81
Summer Term – £54
50% discount for students, apprentices or work experience
There is an additional entry fee for the Leith Hill Music Festival, covering 3 weekend rehearsals
and the Festival day itself – £45 (2024)
Subs include all music, insurance and venue hire.

In full flow – Photo by Bogdan Schiteanu